Toronto Lisp Users Group
The monthly meeting of the Toronto chapter of the Lisp Users’ Group. Our discussion topics include, but are by no means limited to, Alien Technology, Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Factor, and Erlang. Whether you’re interested in New Technology or Lisp or functional languages in general, we’d love to see you around.
Meeting Schedule:
- Main topic: fibers, threads and channels in Janet
- 2019-10-08
- 2019-11-12
- 2019-12-10
- Super-Thinking, Weinberg, McCann
- 2020-01-14
- JamFilled 310 King Street East | Toronto, ON M5A 1K6
- 2020-02-11
- JamFilled 310 King Street East | Toronto, ON M5A 1K6
- ring the buzzer
- 2020-03-10
- JamFilled 310 King Street East | Toronto, ON M5A 1K6
- ring the buzzer
- 2020-04-14
- online (Skype)
- 2020-05-12
- online (link to be posted)
- 2020-06-09
- online (link to be posted)
- 2020-07-14
- online
- 2020-08-11
- summer break - no meeting
- 2020-09-15
- online (link: (moved to Sept 15 due to long weekend)
- 2020-10-13
(we're trying JITSI tonight - email me if there are problems)
mentioned tonight- Robot simulation made easy
- Lisp Game Jam (see all, Junior Witch High built by Toronto Lisp member)
- Building Problem Solvers
- The Plug & Play, All-In-One, Wearable Keyboard, Mouse & Air Gesture Controller
- Robotic Vacuum Cleaner - but, with USB and Laser Range Finder, favoured by homebrew roboticists
- Time and Date, etc.
Meeting Notes, Dec 15, 2020
pre-meeting suggestions:
- Bay Area Lisp & Scheme Users Group
- Bay Area Clojure Meetup (next meeting Feb. 9)
- Racket on Chez Scheme will become the default implementation of Racket
- 2021-02-09 online
- screamer
- lisperati1000
- ulisp
- crowpi
- crowpi2
- Mezzano
- vufine
- nyxt browser
- NanoVG is small antialiased vector graphics rendering library for OpenGL.
- ESP32-CAM Development Board(with camera)
- Sipeed Longan Nano - RISC-V GD32VF103CBT6 Development Board
- Risc V
- PEG for Racket #lang peg
- ASON (JSON replacement project by Carl Sassenrath, AMIGA and REBOL
- Red (REBOL)
Post Meeting Notes
- Grokking Simplicity
- Animation Graphic Editor
- Level Designer Toolkit
- Zodetrip - Game Jam Entry
- Free Digital Painting Software Alpaca
- Lisp Badge
some lisp/scheme implementations for micro-controllers
Notes from June 8, 2021:
- FvdW Lisp 1.5 Memory Layout
- Smalltalk CUIS
- fizzygum (desktop replacement?)
- model 100 portable computer on kickstarter
- lively web personal programming kit
- blender (latest - layered programming)
- GTD book
- Smart Notes Book
- mithril (flexible framework)
(the latest meeting announcement is at the top of this page, now)
Notes from July 13, 2021
- SICP JS version
- Transpilation
- emacs auto-revert mode
- eshell
- obsidian
- ox-hugo Org exporter backend that exports Org to Hugo-compatible Markdown
Notes from August 10, 2021
- rackunit
- minikanren for emacs
- Racket: #lang datalog
- Barliman: generate code from test cases
- RTL and gcc (Fraser)
- RTL 1980 paper
- OCG (Orthogonal Code Generator)
- basic circuits AND and OR using transistors
- machine readability (vs. human readability)
Notes from Sept 7, 2021
- SLY for SLIME users
- Scheme Macros Tutorial
- Simplified Example of Un/Hygenic Macros
- PT's Notes re. Language Jam
- PT's Notes re. Zodetrip PEGification progress
Notes from Oct 19, 2021
- autumn lisp game jam 2021
- urlang (Racket->JS)
- Janet Language
- Programming language for games
- Racket at-exp
- advent of code
- Beautiful Racket
Notes from Nov. 09, 2021
- Handling Concurrency in Behavior Trees
- Behavior Trees
- Behavior Tree CPP
- Racket Syntax Parse Examples
- OOFOE's Lisp Game Jam Entry
- gui-easy: Declarative GUIs
- CLOG produce graphical user interfaces for applications locally or remotely
Notes from Dec. 15, 2021
- an-introduction-to-programming-in-emacs-lisp
- gnu-emacs-lisp-reference-manual
- /
- TwitchPlaysCommonLisp
- new and better than JITSI
- Reazon (miniKanren) for elisp
- HR-emacs
- URLANG (Racket to JS - modern)
Notes from Jan 11, 2022
Justine Tunney joined us and talked about Sector Lisp (among other things)
- an-introduction-to-programming-in-emacs-lisp
- Nexgen i586
- SectorLisp Discord
- Tail Recursion in REBOL
- ASON (Beyond JSON)
- Cosmopolitan makes C a build-once run-anywhere language... cosmopolitan libc...portability Go and Rust
- redbean ## single-file distributable web server
- redbean discussion on HN "Justine has built a c library that allows you compile a binary once and have it run it on any os or baremetal. The SAME binary...."
- urbit
- urbit youtube
- wrk
- O-Meta PEG Parsing (predecessor to Ohm-JS
- Human Advancement Research Community
- Programming in the 21st Century
- sourcehut (uses Mercurial)
- fossil - version control
- Fast enough vms in fast enough time (404?)
- A Markof Christmas Carol
- Manga Guide to Lisp
- us embassy selectric hack
- Leon Theremin US Great Seal Bug
Notes from Feb 8, 2022
- GC Sector Lisp slides
- Sector Lisp Animations - Sped up, Realtime
- WEBOTS home (robot simulator)
- Coppelia Robot Simlutor
- Coppelia ROS bridge
- Gazebo Robot Simulator
- Data Detective
- Time Did Not Permit ...
Notes from Sept 13, 2022
Notes from Fare's visit in Toronto with the CompSci Cabal, 2022
Notes from October 11, 2022
Notes from November 8, 2022
Notes from December 12, 2022
Notes from January 10, 2023